SUPPORTING LEARNING knows you work hard and love what you do. We also know that you may be working in a challenging environment with challenging students.
We want to give you something for free ... download any of the following worksheets, booklets, posters, certificates, records template for free and just enjoy using Supporting Learning material.
Please come back regularly to see what has been added or to get some sneaky "limited time only" downloads.

SLR @HOME booklets
SUPPORTING LEARNING RESOURCES has developed a new range of workbooklets focusing on learning @Home. This is to help support learners and caregivers working beyond or alongside schools.
The series has FIVE free themed workbooklets leading learners and caregivers through L1-2+ curriculum tasks centered around words, numbers, movement, projects and sensory themes. Download for free and let SLR guide your learners through the workbooklets.
The workbooklets are flexible (not EVERY task needs to be completed), practical (focused on your home & surrounds), useful (helps builds key skills) and ENJOYABLE!!! You can add tasks, have discussions, collect objects, extend or simplify a theme!

To download each free @Home .pdf workbooklet go over to the @Home workbooklet page and CLICK on the download button below each workbooklet.
The .pdf will download like an email attachment into your files. Save a copy.
Before printing a whole workbooklet, print one page with images to check your printer settings.
An SLR booklet can be used digitally by using a .pdf writer.
SLR MOVING ON. MOVING UP transition booklets
MOVING ON. MOVING UP are transition booklets with tasks designed to help students move onto new environments.
Both Part One and Part Two free booklets are tools to be used by schools, parents, agencies or collaboratively to help ease transitions between new and old, up and down and sideways movements.
Both Part One and Part Two of MOVING ON. MOVING UP (Transitions) are available in a downloadable .pdf ready to use workbooklet with unlimited printing!!!
MOVING ON Part One is all about getting prepared for the exciting new challenges that are coming up. Moving on to a new school and new environment will bring lots of different opportunities and locations to get used to and we have created active and visual tasks to help students become more familiar and aware of upcoming changes in new surroundings and with new people.
MOVING UP Part Two focuses on a student moving on from school to a course or work place where they may have to be more independent. This booklet is useful for older students moving on or for students who are about to start work experience.
SLR FREEBIE workbooklets
MY WHANAU & I has a range of engaging activities to collate information about the student, their family or community, shows understanding of culture & traditions & describes traditional occasions for each student.
It encourages students to think & process information & think wider than their world. This booklet links well with the SLR Social Studies Culture & Heritage booklets and is a great lead into the NCEA L1 Tikanga Concept Whakapapa 2 credit package, and L1 Supported Learning Know Our Place 4 credit package.
PLANTING ROOTS shows growing and caring for plants is fun! You can do something simple like scatter a few seeds and just water them, or get more fancy and plant a garden and watch vegetables and plants grow.
THE PLANTING ROOT mini-booklet has a range of tasks for preparing a garden and plants, and then growing and using them. This booklet links well with the SLR Science All About Plants booklet, the Social Studies Place & Environment booklet and the L1 Ag/Hort Science All About Plants 4 credit package and Landscapes & Features 3 credit package.
SLR FREEBIE worksheets
A-Z worksheet
Just select a different topic each time and the students find words beginning with A-Z for that topic. FREE download includes an A-Z student sheet.
This worksheet is perfect when you need something to start a day or start a lesson. It can be done individually, in pairs or in teams. In can also be a competition to encourage team work.
We have been asked by many schools if we can produce "certificates" for their students. For students passing unit or achievement standards, the formal NZQA recognition is their NZQA Record of Achievement.
As well as this, you are welcome to contact us for customised SLR certificates for internal use within schools and organisations to help recognise a student passing an individual unit standard who you think deserves a visual recognition of their achievement.
We are very excited to offer everyone the NEW SLR Student NCEA Assessment Record Sheet for 2024.
We hope this sheet helps keep track of student progress and overall plans, and it can be used within a subject/department, as a cover on student files, student folders or within IEP's etc.
PLEASE NOTE: these are NOT official NZQA documents but may help a student feel success and satisfaction when passing a unit.

These bright and eye catching posters are all yours to print off and use. You are welcome to download these SLR display posters for your own learning environment.
Click each poster to view in a pop-up window OR
download ALL SEVEN SLR posters by clicking below OR download each individual poster!