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Take 5mins

This space is where we will add or share tips & tricks about supporting learning in quick 5min reading PDL's. 


Just click on each box to download the short .pdf >

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Just click on each box to download the short .pdf 

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Keep an eye on how we can support you with customised Zoom sessions where you can chat with one of our senior leaders, possible regional visits, special presentations and any upcoming events.

Person Holding Smartphone

ONLINE support

Our successful five year 'no charge' regional sessions commitment ran between 2014-2019.  SLR invested over $150 000 towards nationwide PDL, free resources and building networks with schools who wanted to explore more "Success for ALL" options, and as a result, many more schools are investing in themselves and their students to offer options for students needing more support.
We are excited about supporting schools more efficiently and love to share our professional expertise.  Instead of bargaining for PDL time and money, just contact us and we will set up a 30min ZOOM session at a time that suits.  You can share our screens, have one of the SLR Senior Leaders host the session to answer your questions and flick through our material while asking questions.  Quick, smart, online support when you need it.

1-1 support

It is trickier to get the busy SLR team out into regions and schools these days.  We often have requests to visit a region to offer support, but with many schools in different stages of development these days, we find in person support is better suited to an online ZOOM session, or when we are in a region for a presentation and we can offer schools free support while there.

When we know we will be in a region, we will post it in the space and ask people to contact us to see if there is interest in offering a free session to share knowledge.

Remember ... we are always just a phone call (0211001342) or email ( away.  If you want to chat, just let us know when and how to contact you and one of the development team will call.

how to contact us

You'll find all our info on the Keep In Touch page.  


t: 021 100 1342

how to ORDER

Just email or call us with the titles you want to order and we will do the rest.  If you have an order number or accounts person, let us know with the titles.  We then upload all your files, email you the link and email an invoice to pass on.

email us for a free SLR booklet
pop a name and work email below for us to email YOU a fab workbooklet to right away that showcases each series ... 

Enjoy this workbooklet and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


Just nip over to the FAQ page to look through some common questions or check out the key questions table here --->

  • What makes supporting learning resources different?
    All our material has been developed from teachers, schools and parents asking us for resources at the right level for the right students. SL resources are easy to use, easy to follow and easy to recognise key skills and knowledge. We write the tasks in age-appropriate language that has plenty of visuals and great layout to ensure the tasks are quick and engaging. Supporting learning resources weave in important literacy, numeracy, thinking, social and problem solving skills into each booklet or theme ... and tasks are scaffolded to extend students up into the next range or onto NCEA packages. Each SLR booklet has a learning checklist and feedback at the back that can be used for IEP/ILP's.
  • Why do supporting learning resources appeal to so many schools and staff?
    Because they are simple, affordable, flexible and make sense! SLR has a range of workbooklets that can be mixed and matched to support subjects, focus on skills or meet an individual need of a student. These can be used as stand-alone booklets, or build skills together to create themes. SLR also offers a range of NCEA L1 and L2 assessment options to make sure the booklets have a pathway and that students who need support are offered the chance to gain credits like their peers, in formats that are visual, focused and practical. Booklets are a one-off $45 for the .pdf which can be used over and over again within a school, and NCEA packages also have a free update when versions are reviewed ... a great return on your investment.
  • How do we decide what material to develop?
    Everything we write or design comes from requests to look into areas that are lacking appropriate resources. We survey schools and meet regional staff to establish a demand, and work with curriclum documents to link ideas, resources, styles and topics. The SLR Social Studies, Science and One Plus booklets are great examples of "need-driven" development to support subject and curriculums with topical material.
  • Can supporting learning material be used digitally?
    Of course. Every time we upload an order, we add a reminder that SLR material is either best used with a .pdf writer or as printed material. The .pdf writer ensures the SLR quality and formatting remains the same so as not to confuse students, that images, spaces for typing/writing, activities are not changed and students can add text, draw lines, add pics, highlight, checklist etc. We even have a document you can download to get some ideas. Alternatively, printing off the .pdf booklet as a paper copy also has benefits. Students can quickly see a start and end point, they can flick pages to see other tasks, they can move the booklet easily between staff and rooms and of course, a printed booklet doesn't rely on technology each day! Note: you cannot change our digital material without our approval to esnure that the SLR brand is always high qualty, and of course, you shouldn't change the NCEA assessment material (this would mean it has no longer been moderated and it may not meet NZQA standards).
  • How are supporting learning assessments marked for NCEA?
    The same way most subjects mark! A school normally has NZQA "consent to assess" the supported learning, tikanga or core generic domains, which means you are good to go! We often suggest the person working closest to the student is the "marker" or assessor as they are most familiar with what a student is thinking and how they have answered. This could be a TA/LA or class teacher. They check each task and answer has been completed (if something is missing, it will be a not-achieved as an evidence requirement or performance criteria will not have been met). They check it is legible, evidence is attached where asked for (this may be a photo, recording, brochure, artwork, notes etc.), that the assessor checklist at the front of the candidate material has been completed and the assessment result box at the back has been signed. Another teacher or equivalent then checks the assessor marking and rechecks the student answers (they are called the 'verifier'). Once that is all accurate and complete, a student can be awarded the credits if they have meet the standard. The school then files the student material in case it is needed for NZQA moderation in the future. There are more details about this process are on our FAQs page.
  • How can I order a SLR booklet or assessment package?
    Simply email us the title you want or give us a call and we will do the rest within hours! If you have an order number include it, but if not, we still email out the invoice to you for you to pass along to your finance team within the 30 day payment period. - Workbooklets are uploaded and you are emailed the file links. - NCEA assessment packages are customised with your logo and organisation name, uploaded and you are emailed the file links. - Any updates are uploaded and you are emailed a notification to replace your files.


We will keep adding news, ideas, updates where you can find them ... on our SLR Blog

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