NZQA have released the official updates to Version 3 for this suite and we are excited to offer them to you! For you and your students, it means more focus on skills, clearer requirements and CHEAPER! Yes, we have decided on the opposite of inflation increases ... and have dropped all our SL prices! Check them out below.
Remember we offer schools a FREE version upgrade when they purchase a L1 or L2 package, but if you have already had your free upgrade, it is only $50 fee per package to update your versions for another 3-4 years (or until the next version is released). Just email us to find out if you qualify for a free update for any of your previously purchased packages.
Updated on 1 October 2024
What are L1 supported learning assessment packages?
NZQA have developed a suite of unit standards to recognise important skills and knowledge for selected students needing support with their learning at Level 1.
The assessment packages offer opportunities for students at L1 and offer a range of literacy, numeracy, practical, problem solving and work related skills under the Supported Learning domain.
How does SLR deliver these standards for schools?
SLR will help recognise your students knowledge using relevant, thematic learning booklets that are scaffolded to support students at L1.
SLR material is written in simple, easy-to-follow language in short, accessible tasks and also include the L1 assessment material and teacher guidelines. SLR material is delivered in pdf to offer digital and/or paper options.
Who can do L1 supported learning standards?
Supported Learning unit standards have been designed by NZQA for students who need support with their learning at L1. Refer to NZQA’s webpage for the relevant qualification details.
These standards are intended for ākonga/learners with learning disabilities, including those with intellectual disability. They are for people who require support with their learning either through additional resources, specialised equipment or adapted teaching programmes. (refer NZQA)

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US29299v3: Access and use facilities and services in the community - 5 credits (credit increase from 4 credits)
OUTLINE: this theme works through a range of activities to provide information about accessing facilities and services in the community.
Some facilities or services may be for pleasure or may help us with a particular problem or issue.
After we know what is around us we can use information to help look after us all, practice using them and plan how each facility or service can be used in the future.
COST: $325 + gst new lower price per credit
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklet, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

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US29300v3: Maintain hauora- personal health & wellbeing - 6 credits (credit increase from 4 credits)
OUTLINE: an important theme that works out what the definition of hauora means and how it relates to our personal health and well-being.
We look at how our body works, different ways we can move it, different food we can put into it and how we can keep hygienic.
I’M IMPORTANT TOO also explores puberty, sexual health and sexuality options so we can understand more about ourselves and our options.

COST: $350 + gst new lower price per credit
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklet, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

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US29301v3: Demonstrate strategies to ensure personal safety - 4 credits
OUTLINE: this works through a range of activities helping us to think about how we can all keep safe in the world today.
Work through tasks about personal safety, cyber safety, road safety, water safety, injuries and illnesses, hazards and disasters and finally, keeping money safe.
Also think about strategies when we are in situations that may be unsafe and strategies that can help keep others safe.

COST: $295 + gst new lower price - was $320
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklet, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

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US29302v3: Demonstrate interpersonal skills in familiar contexts - 4 credits
OUTLINE: When we interact with people, we use a range of interpersonal skills to communicate our message, to offer feedback, to share ideas, solve problems or negotiate. Different situations mean we will use different interpersonal skills.
Work through how we interact with people familiar to us. Students will show how they can use their interpersonal skills in familiar contexts. The contexts could be chatting with friends, family, colleagues, coaches or more formal interviews, meetings, planning sessions etc.
COST: $295 + gst new lower price - was $320
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklet, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

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US29303v3: Demonstrate behaviours appropriate to different types of relationships and contexts - 4 credits
OUTLINE: We all experience different feelings and relationships and this theme starts students thinking about the relationships around them. This could be with friends, family, coaches, mentors, church leaders etc and formal or informal. The style of the relationship can also change if needed or if different people are around us.
We also have a range of behaviours we use in relationships. This package looks at body language, how we talk to people, how close we stand or if we touch others.
COST: $295 + gst new lower price - was $320
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklet, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

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US29304v4: Describe elements of own culture, basic rights and responsibilities of a citizen of Aotearoa New Zealand. - 4 credits
OUTLINE: this is an important and relevant theme that works through a range of tasks that help students identify with being a citizen of Aotearoa.
This theme covers own culture outlining family history and cultural practices, as well as showing how a student understands their basic human rights and responsibilities of being a citizen of Aotearoa New Zealand. It is filled with useful social and thinking skills about NZ laws, environment & culture.
COST: $295 + gst new lower price - was $320
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklet, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

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US29306v3: Apply problem solving strategies to resolve day to day contexts - 5 credits
OUTLINE: This theme works through tasks about that help students think about being in different situations that could trigger stress, anger, grief, making choices etc. with a range of activities that help us think about different situations we face that can trigger issues.
It is useful to have already thought about what we may feel and how we could react in different situations so we have some strategies that will help us cope. This theme is relevant, practical, engaging and thought provoking for young adults
COST: $325 + gst new lower price - was $375
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklet, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

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US29305v3: Set personal goals and cary out a plan to achieve personal goals - 5 credits (credit increase from 4 credits)
OUTLINE: this package works through a range of activities to show skills and knowledge about planning and doing a project. We often make goals to help us in social, education, work, financial contexts etc. These goals can be broken down into steps so we know what to do & when to do each step. After we complete a goal, it is useful to look back and think about how effective our plan was to achieve, the steps we took, the timeframe to achieve the goal, and whether we would do it the same way next time, or for another goal.
There are three different learning booklets to choose goals and projects from and all use the same candidate assessment template. This gives plenty of flexibility.
Option 1 - GENERAL booklet focusing on student goals, learning, ideas and general research style projects.
Option 2 - TECHNOLOGY booklet focusing on hard or soft material projects
Option 3 - FOOD booklet focusing on creating food projects using planning, menus, cooking, catering etc.
COST: $325 + gst new lower price per credit
WHAT DO YOU GET? three student learning booklet options, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)
NEW unit standard US32929v1 - 5 credits

US29299: Access facilities and services in the community - 4 credits
OUTLINE: this theme works through a range of activities to provide information about accessing facilities and services in the community.
Some facilities or services may be for pleasure or may help us with a particular problem or issue.
After we know what is around us we can use information to help look after us all, practice using them and plan how each facility or service can be used in the future.
COST: $320 + gst
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklet, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

US29299: Access facilities and services in the community - 4 credits
OUTLINE: this theme works through a range of activities to provide information about accessing facilities and services in the community.
Some facilities or services may be for pleasure or may help us with a particular problem or issue.
After we know what is around us we can use information to help look after us all, practice using them and plan how each facility or service can be used in the future.
COST: $320 + gst
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklet, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

US29299: Access facilities and services in the community - 4 credits
OUTLINE: this theme works through a range of activities to provide information about accessing facilities and services in the community.
Some facilities or services may be for pleasure or may help us with a particular problem or issue.
After we know what is around us we can use information to help look after us all, practice using them and plan how each facility or service can be used in the future.
COST: $320 + gst
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklet, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)
US32929v1: Maintain routines in a limited range of repetitive and familiar situations within defined contexts - 5 credits
OUTLINE: This package has two different options to focus on five routines in different contexts (general and food related) and both are included in the price to give you flexibility and choice for this 5 credit standard. This standard helps build and embed valuable life-skills for students in different contexts.
Option 1 - SORT IT OUT covers three different contexts for daily living, food and time management/work/gardening routines. Each booklet has the NCEA assessment material in the back for students to select five routines to be maintained over time.
Option 2 - FOOD FOR LIFE focuses on food related routines and commitments. It is a practical, engaging and relevant set of three booklets that can either be done in classes, in technology rooms or outside of school. Each booklet has the NCEA assessment material in the back for students to select five routines to be maintained over time.
COST: $450 + gst new lower credit value price - was $520
WHAT DO YOU GET? all six student learning booklets for SORT IT OUT & FOOD FOR LIFE, candidate assessment material for both options, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

SORT IT OUT (1) – KEEPING CLEAN ROUTINES works through a range of domestic tasks that show routines. The tasks centre around a student's life at school or home and involve regular domestic routines like tidying, cleaning, floors, rubbish, recycling and hygiene tasks.
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SORT IT OUT (2) – FOOD RELATED ROUTINES works through a range of regular activities for when working with others and food. The assessment works follows about food related routines,, health and safety procedures and managing time.
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SORT IT OUT (3) – OTHER ROUTINES works through a range of tasks that we do throughout our days at home, school, work or with others. The tasks centre around life at school or home and tasks that could be outdoors like gardening, work related tasks or using skills around school.
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FOOD FOR LIFE (1) – HYGIENE, SAFETY, PLANNING tasks centre around using Food for Life at school or home and involve regular routines around hygiene like cleaning, utensils, rubbish and preparation tasks. At times, students will work alone on tasks, and at others they may work with others over a period of time with food.
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FOOD FOR LIFE (2) – MONEY, MEALS & MENU'S Before buying food it is useful to know what you are buying or where you are going to go shopping regularly. Planning meals and looking at recipes shows routines, as well as the fun of cooking and creating menu's for others.
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FOOD FOR LIFE (3) – PRESENTATION, CLEANUP, FOOD CAREERS. It is useful to know how to set a table or what items/utensils to use when serving a meal or having guests to eat. Cleaning up is also a valuable skill as well as the optional 'growing food' section. Knowing about some food related jobs is also included.
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NEW unit standard US32927v1 5 credits
US32927v1: Maintain commitments in a limited range of repetitive and familiar situations within defined contexts - 5 credits
OUTLINE: The student learning booklet focuses on joint efforts to maintain commitments in different contexts (home, school, work, social) with lots of flexibility and choice for this 5 credit standard. This standard helps build and embed valuable life-skills for students in different contexts. The student booklet has the NCEA assessment material in the back for students to select THREE commitments to work together and maintain over time.
COST: $450 + gst new lower credit value price - was $520
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklets for JOINT EFFORT contexts, candidate assessment material, teacher guidelines & assessment schedule, achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)

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US29307v3: Use functional literacy skills in a range of day to day contexts - 5 credits
OUTLINE: This package has a comprehensive student learning booklet offering key literacy tasks embedded within contexts to ensure literacy skills are covered.
The learning booklet includes relevant literacy tasks within each context focusing on reading, writing and speaking, listening and visual communication skills.
At the end of the student is the required literacy skills to meet the requirements of at least FIVE pieces of evidence to show at least THREE of the literacy skills.
SKILLS INCLUDED: reading, writing, speaking, listening, visual communication

(1) DAILY LIVING context:
- messages & calls
- documents & technology
- communication skills
(2) RECREATION context:
- health & wellbeing
- exercise & fitness
- local & community recreation
- careers & lifestyles
COST: $320 + gst (or buy with Us29308 USE ALL THE NUMBERS for $580) new price - was $375
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklets for USE YOUR WORDS, candidate assessment material teacher guidelines, sample answers and achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)
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3) COMMUNITY context:
- family & friends
- local areas & support
- social occasions & manners
(4) WORK context:
- work & tertiary options
- work skills & CV's
- preparing for work

(5) EDUCATION context:
- exploring learning options
- technology support
- research & present
US29308v3: Use functional numeracy skills in a range of day to day contexts - 5 credits
OUTLINE: This numeracy package offers a variety of topics with key numeracy tasks. Students complete the learning booklet covering five key contexts and enjoy using the required numeracy skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, measurement, time, statistics, sequences and comparisons.
At the end of the student is the required numeracy skills within a candidate assessment booklet to meet the requirements of completing at least FIVE pieces of evidence to show at least THREE of the numeracy skills.
SKILLS INCLUDED: numbers (+, -, x, /), measurement, time, statistics, sequences and comparisons.

(1) DAILY LIVING context:
- everyday costs
- measuring up
- dates & calendars
(2) COMMUNITY context:
- out & about costs
- notes & coins
- buying power
COST: $320 + gst (or buy with Us29307 USE YOUR WORDS for $580) new price - was $375
WHAT DO YOU GET? student learning booklets for USE YOUR WORDS, candidate assessment material teacher guidelines, sample answers and achievement certificate (in digital or printable .pdf's)
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(3) WORK context:
- getting prepared
- wages & costs
- saving up
(4) EDUCATION context:
- counting it all
- timetables
- measure up

(5) RECREATION context:
- leisure activities
- measuring & timing
- lifestyles & careers