check out all the L1 & L2 assessment packages below
L1 Supported Learning- skills for living
These L1 Supported Learning assessment packages have been developed as relevant & engaging material about topical themes to fit within curriculum frameworks.
This suite of Supported Learning packages will help recognise even more of our student’s skills and knowledge and can be applied in a range of meaningful and valuable contexts for students needing support with their learning. Look through the SL packages to see how targeted students can gain recognition at Level 1 by having the right material at the right time for the right student.
L1 Supported Learning- skills for work
These L1 Supported Learning packages are for students focusing on "work-readiness" and lead towards practical work skills. They are important gateway packages that help transition students move towards independence and offer life skills.
The Skills for Work packages blend valuable learning with practical workplace expectations as students start to work towards life after school. Like all SLR material, the prior learning workbooklets and assessment material is easy-to-follow with practical and active work-related tasks, relevant discussions and transferable skills to create meaningful pathways for all students.
NCEA L1 Life Skills- core generic
SLR has developed work-ready, relevant & engaging life skills assessment material for NCEA Level 1 Life Skills from the Core Generic domain unit standards that link valuable unit standards into themes similar to our successful NCEA L1 Supported Learning assessment range and offer valuable options for students.
These life skills ensure skills & knowledge link together for practical application in students lives within the three NCEA L1 Core Generic themes (financial capability, work & study skills and social skills) and are easy-to-follow with clear pathways onto further learning or employment.

NCEA L1 Tikanga Concepts
SLR's two NCEA L1 Tikanga Concepts assessment material packages focuses on A Powhiri - Protocols & Roles (2 credits) and Your Whakapapa and Key Terms (2 credits) and are for ALL students. These two packages link into the NZ Certificate in Skills for Living (for supported learners)
These tikanga concept packages are a great opportunity to add national recognition to learning programmes both in and outside the classroom and to add more options to the SLR portfolio of assessment material to customise student pathways.
NCEA L1 Ag/Hort Science
NOTE - these NCEA L1 packages are ON HOLD as we look at what is needed by learning environments.
SLR's NCEA L1 science themed achievement standard assessment packages help recognise students practical science knowledge within agriculture/horticulture themes. These are for students needing science material with a focus on visual and practical material to offer options.
NCEA L2 Life Skills- core generic
SLR has developed work-ready, relevant & engaging life skills assessment material for NCEA Level 2 Core Generic unit standards that link common unit standards into themes similar to our successful L1 Core Generic and Foundation Skills assessment packages.
These packages ensure skills & knowledge link together for practical life skills within the three Core Generic themes (financial capability, work & study skills and social skills) and are easy-to-follow with clear pathways onto further learning or employment.
jump over to check out other SLR pages
We are often asked questions about workbooklets, L1 & 2 assessment material, how to order, contact details or professional development opportunities. Head over to our continually evolving FAQ page to see if you can find the answers you need quickly or how to contact us for a ZOOM PD session to ask your own questions and to work alongside one of the SLR staff to get practical and quick answers to build your own pathways in your own environments.